Dokumentation zu: filter(E)

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        mixed * filter(mixed *arg, string fun, string|object ob
                                             , mixed extra...)
        mixed * filter(mixed *arg, closure cl, mixed extra...)
        mixed * filter(mixed *arg, mapping map, mixed extra...)

        string  filter(string arg, string fun, string|object ob
                                          , mixed extra...)
        string  filter(string arg, closure cl, mixed extra...)
        string  filter(string arg, mapping map, mixed extra...)

        mapping filter(mapping arg, string func, string|object ob
                                               , mixed extra...)
        mapping filter(mapping arg, closure cl, mixed extra...)

        Call the function <ob>-><func>() resp. the closure <cl> for
        every element of the array, or mapping <arg>, and return a
        result made from those elements for which the function call
        returns TRUE.  The <extra> arguments are passed as additional
        parameters to the function calls and must not be references of
        array of mapping elements (like &(i[1]) ).

        If <ob> is omitted, or neither a string nor an object, it
        defaults to this_object().

        If <arg> is an array or struct, the function will be called with
        each of the array/struct values as first parameter, followed by the
        <extra> arguments. If the result from the function call is true,
        the array element in question is included into the efun result.

        If the efun is used with a mapping <map> instead of a function,
        every array element which is key in <map> is included into the

        If <arg> is a mapping, the function will be called with
        each of the mapping keys as first, and (if existing) the
        associated values as second parameter, followed by the <extra>
        arguments. If the result is true, the mapping element in question
        is included into the result.

        Depending on the width of the mapping <arg>, the function
        call takes one of three forms:

            widthof(arg) == 0: ob->func(key, 0, extra...)
                         == 1: ob->func(key, arg[key], extra...)
                          > 1: ob->func( key
                                       , ({ arg[key,0] ...arg[key,width-1] })
                                       , extra...)

        The advantage of this approach is that the two types of
        multi-dimensional mappings (mappings with multiple values
        per key, and mappings of arrays) can be treated in the same way.

        If <arg> is a string, the function will be called with each of the
        characters of the string. If the result is true, the character in
        question is included into the result.


        Historical Note: filter() used with arrays behaves like
        filter_array(), but used with mappings is a generalisation of

        Introduced in LDMud 3.2.6, obsoletes filter_array().
        LDMud 3.3.439 added filtering of strings.

        filter(E), filter_indices(E), map(E), walk_mapping(E), member(E),

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