int sscanf(string str, string fmt, mixed var1, mixed var2, ...)
Parse a string str using the format fmt. fmt can contain
strings seperated by %d and %s. Every %d and %s corresponds to
one of var1, var2, ... .
The match operators in the format string have one of these
<type> may be:
d: matches any number.
D: matches any number.
U: matches any unsigned number.
s: matches any string.
%: matches the % character.
t: matches whitespace (spaces and tab characters), but does
not store them (the simple ' ' matches just spaces and
can't be given a size specification).
<size> is the expected field size, <minmatch> the demanded
minimal match length (defaults are 0 for strings and 1 for
numbers). Each of these both may be specified numerically, or
as '*' - then the value of the variable at the current place
in the argument list is used.
Specifying + will require that the characters after the field
match as well, or the match will be deemed unsuccessful (the variable
might still get assigned, though).
Specifying ! will perform the match, but neither store the
result nor count the match.
Specifying ~ will perform and count the match, but not store
the result.
If the %s specifier is not at the end of the format string,
it is matched only if the following character(s) or format
is found, too. See below for an example.
The difference between %d and %D/%U is that the latter will abort
an immediately preceeding %s as soon as possible, whereas the
former will attempt to make largest match to %s first.
%D/%U will still not skip whitespace, use %.0t%D to skip optional
The number of matched arguments will be returned.
The function sscanf is special, in that arguments are passed
by reference automatically.
string who, what;
if (sscanf("throw frisbee to rover",
"throw %s to %s", what, who) != 2)
write("Usage: throw <what> to <who>\n");
write("You throw a "+what+" to "+who+" to get his attention.\n");
sscanf("ab", "%s%s", who, what)
==> result 2, who = "", what = "ab"
sscanf("ab", "%s %s", who, what)
==> result 0, who = 0, what = 0
sscanf("ab ", "%s %s", who, what)
==> result 2, who = "ab", what = ""
LDMud 3.3.713/3.2.13 introduced the '+' specifier.
explode(E), regexp(E)