Dokumentation zu: driver_info(E)

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        #include <driver_info.h>

        mixed driver_info(int what)

        Returns some internal information about the driver.
        The argument <what> determines which information is returned.

        It can be either a configuration option as given to
        configure_driver() or one of the following options:

        Driver Environment:

        <what> == DI_BOOT_TIME:
          The time() when the driver was started.

        LPC Runtime status:

        <what> == DI_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LIMITS:
          Return an array with the current runtime limits.
          The entries in the returned array are:

            int[LIMIT_EVAL]:         the max number of eval costs
            int[LIMIT_ARRAY]:        the max number of array entries
            int[LIMIT_MAPPING_SIZE]: the max number of mapping values
            int[LIMIT_MAPPING_KEYS]: the max number of mapping entries
               (LIMIT_MAPPING is an alias for LIMIT_MAPPING_KEYS)
            int[LIMIT_BYTE]:         the max number of bytes handled with
                                     one read_bytes()/write_bytes() call.
            int[LIMIT_FILE]:         the max number of bytes handled with
                                     one read_file()/write_file() call.
            int[LIMIT_CALLOUTS]:     the number of callouts at one time.
            int[LIMIT_COST]:         how to account the current cost.
            int[LIMIT_MEMROY]:       the max. number of bytes which can be 
                                     _additionally_ allocated/used 
                                     _per top-level execution thread_

          For all limits except LIMIT_COST a limit of '0' aka LIMIT_UNLIMITED
          means 'no limit'.

          The value for LIMIT_COST has these meanings:

            value > 0: the execution will cost minimum(<value>, actual cost) .
            value = 0: if the current LIMIT_EVAL is larger than the calling
                       LIMIT_EVAL, the evaluation will cost only 10; otherwise
                       the full cost will be accounted.
            value < 0: (-value)% of the current evaluation cost will be
                       accounted; -100 obviously means 'full cost'.

        <what> == DI_EVAL_NUMBER:
          Return the current evaluation number.
          The number is incremented for each top-level call. Top-level
          calls are initiated by the driver, usually in reaction to an
          external event:
              - commands (added by add_action)
              - heart_beat, reset, clean_up
              - calls from call_out or input_to
              - master applies triggered by external events
              - calls of driver hooks in reaction to external events
              - send_erq callbacks
              - logon in interactives

          The number can be used to detect cases where the same code is
          executed twice in the same top level evaluation (say, heart_beat),
          and also for time stamps for ordering some events.

          Please note that the counter may overflow, especially on 32 bit
          systems. As a result, it can also be negative.

        Network configuration:

        <what> == DI_MUD_PORTS:
          Returns an array with all open ports, which the driver
          listens for player connections on.

        <what> == DI_UDP_PORT:
          Returns the port number of the UDP socket.

        Memory management:

        <what> == DI_MEMORY_RESERVE_USER:
          Current size of the user memory reserve.
          The user memory reserve is allocated at startup and is used
          when the driver runs out of memory.

        <what> == DI_MEMORY_RESERVE_MASTER:
          Current size of the master memory reserve.
          The master memory reserve is allocated at startup and is used
          when the driver runs out of memory while executing master

        <what> == DI_MEMORY_RESERVE_SYSTEM:
          Current size of the system memory reserve.
          The system memory reserve is allocated at startup and is used
          when the driver runs out of memory while executing internal


        <what> == DI_TRACE_CURRENT:
          Returns the current stack trace in array form.

          If the array has more than one entries, the first entry is 0 or
          the name of the object with the heartbeat which started the
          current thread; all following entries describe the call stack
          starting with the topmost function called.

          All call entries are arrays themselves with the following elements:

               int[TRACE_TYPE]: The type of the call frame:
                   TRACE_TYPE_SYMBOL (0): a function symbol (shouldn't happen).
                   TRACE_TYPE_SEFUN  (1): a simul-efun.
                   TRACE_TYPE_EFUN   (2): an efun closure.
                   TRACE_TYPE_LAMBDA (3): a lambda closure.
                   TRACE_TYPE_LFUN   (4): a normal lfun.

               mixed[TRACE_NAME]: The 'name' of the called frame:
                   _TYPE_EFUN:   either the name of the efun, or the code of
                                 the instruction for operator closures
                   _TYPE_LAMBDA: the numeric lambda identifier.
                   _TYPE_LFUN:   the name of the lfun.

               string[TRACE_PROGRAM]: The (file)name of the program holding
                                      the code.

               string[TRACE_OBJECT]:  The name of the object for which the code
                                      was executed.
                   _TYPE_LAMBDA: current program offset from the start of the
                                 closure code.
                   _TYPE_LFUN:   the line number.

        <what> == DI_TRACE_CURRENT_DEPTH:
          Return the current number of frames on the control stack
          (recursion depth).

        <what> == DI_TRACE_CURRENT_AS_STRING:
          Returns the current stack trace as a string.

        <what> == DI_TRACE_LAST_ERROR:
          Returns the stack trace of the last error in array form
          (same format as DI_TRACE_CURRENT). Stack traces of errors
          before the last GC might not be available anymore.

        <what> == DI_TRACE_LAST_ERROR_AS_STRING:
          Returns the stack trace of the last error as a string.

          Returns the stack trace of the last uncaught error in array form
          (same format as DI_TRACE_CURRENT). Stack traces of errors
          before the last GC might not be available anymore.

          Returns the stack trace of the last uncaught error as a string.

        LPC Runtime statistics:

        <what> == DI_NUM_FUNCTION_NAME_CALLS:
          Number of function calls by name (like call_other).

          Function calls by name are cached (to accelerate
          lookup of the corresponding program code).
          This returns the number of cache hits.

          The number of function call cache misses.

          Number of listed objects processed in the last backend cycle.

          Total number of heart_beats cycles so far.

          Number of active heart_beat cycles executed so far
          (ie. cycles in which at least one heart_beat() function
          was called).

          Number of heart_beats calls in the last backend cycle

          Number of distinct strings added to the string table so far.

          Number of distinct strings removed from the string table so far.

          Number of string searches by value.

          Number of string searches by address.

          Number of lookup steps needed for string searches by value.

          Number of lookup steps needed for string searches by address.

          Number of successful lookups of strings by value.

          Number of successful lookups of strings by address.

          Number of distinct strings added to an existing hash chain so far.

        <what> == DI_NUM_REGEX_LOOKUPS:
          Number of requests for new regexps.

        <what> == DI_NUM_REGEX_LOOKUP_HITS:
          Number of requested regexps found in the table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_REGEX_LOOKUP_MISSES:
          Number of requested regexps not found in the table.

          Number of requested new regexps which collided with a cached one.

        Network statistics:

        <what> == DI_NUM_MESSAGES_OUT:
          Number of messages sent to a player.

        <what> == DI_NUM_PACKETS_OUT:
          Number of packets sent to a player.

        <what> == DI_NUM_PACKETS_IN:
          Number of packets received from a player.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_PACKETS_OUT:
          Number of bytes sent to a player.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_PACKETS_IN:
          Number of bytes received from a player.


        <what> == DI_LOAD_AVERAGE_COMMANDS:
          A float value that shows the number of executed player commands
          per second.

        <what> == DI_LOAD_AVERAGE_LINES:
          A float value that shows the number of compiled code lines
          per second.

          A float value that shows the average number of objects processed
          each backend cycle.

          Average number of objects processed each cycle, expressed
          as percentage (0..1.0) of the number of present objects.

          Average number of heart_beats called each cycle, expressed
          as fraction (0..1.0) of the number of active heartbeats.

        Memory use statistics:

        <what> == DI_NUM_ACTIONS:
          Number of allocated actions.

        <what> == DI_NUM_CALLOUTS:
          Number of pending call_outs.

        <what> == DI_NUM_HEARTBEATS:
          Number of objects with a heartbeat.

        <what> == DI_NUM_SHADOWS:
          Number of allocated shadows.

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECTS:
          Number of objects.

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECTS_SWAPPED:
          Number of objects that are swapped-out.

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECTS_IN_LIST:
          Number of objects in the object list
          (i.e. not destructed objects).

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECTS_IN_TABLE:
          Number of objects in the object table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECTS_DESTRUCTED:
          Number of destructed, but still referenced objects.
          (Not counting DI_NUM_OBJECTS_NEWLY_DESTRUCTED).

          Number of newly destructed objects (ie. objects destructed
          in this execution thread, that will really be destroyed in
          the next backend cycle).

        <what> == DI_NUM_OBJECT_TABLE_SLOTS:
          Number of hash slots provided by the object table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_PROGS:
          Size occupied by the object table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_PROGS_SWAPPED:
          Number of swapped-out program blocks

        <what> == DI_NUM_PROGS_UNSWAPPED:
          Number of programs that were swapped-out, are now swapped-in,
          but still have allocated space in the swap file.

        <what> == DI_NUM_ARRAYS:
          Number of currently existing arrays.

        <what> == DI_NUM_MAPPINGS:
          Number of currently existing mappings.

        <what> == DI_NUM_MAPPINGS_CLEAN:
          Number of clean mappings (mappings without a hash part).

        <what> == DI_NUM_MAPPINGS_HASH:
          Number of hash mappings.

        <what> == DI_NUM_MAPPINGS_HYBRID:
          Number of hybrid mappings (mappings that have a
          condensed and hash part).

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRUCTS:
          Number of currently existing structs.

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRUCT_TYPES:
          Number of currently existing struct types.

        <what> == DI_NUM_VIRTUAL_STRINGS:
          Number of currently existing virtual strings
          (identical strings are counted separately).

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRINGS:
          Number of real strings (identical strings
          are counted once).

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRINGS_TABLED:
          Number of directly tabled strings.

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRINGS_UNTABLED:
          Number of untabled strings.

        <what> == DI_NUM_STRING_TABLE_SLOTS:
          Number of hash slots in the string table.

          Number of hash chains in the string table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_REGEX:
          Number of cached regular expressions.

        <what> == DI_NUM_REGEX_TABLE_SLOTS:
          Number of slots in the regexp cache table.

        <what> == DI_NUM_LVALUES
          Number of lvalues (values referenced by &var).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_ACTIONS:
          Total size of allocated actions.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_CALLOUTS:
          Total size of pending call_outs.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_HEARTBEATS:
          Total size of the heart_beat list.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SHADOWS:
          Total size of allocated shadows.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_OBJECTS:
          Total size of objects (not counting the size of the values
          of their variables).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_OBJECTS_SWAPPED:
          Total size of swapped-out variable blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_OBJECT_TABLE:
          Size occupied by the object table.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_PROGS:
          Total size of all programs.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_PROGS_SWAPPED:
          Total size of swapped-out program blocks

        <what> == DI_SIZE_PROGS_UNSWAPPED:
          Total size of unswapped program blocks

        <what> == DI_SIZE_ARRAYS:
          Total size of all arrays (not counting additional sizes
          of array element values).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_MAPPINGS:
          Total size of all mapping (not counting additional sizes
          of contained values).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRUCTS:
          Total size of all structs (not counting additional sizes
          of contained values).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRUCT_TYPES:
          Total size of all struct type definitions.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRINGS:
          Total size of all strings.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRINGS_TABLED:
          Total size of all tabled strings.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRINGS_UNTABLED:
          Total size of all untabled strings.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRING_TABLE:
          Size of the string table structure itself.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_STRING_OVERHEAD:
          Size of the overhead per string (compared to a raw string).

        <what> == DI_SIZE_REGEX:
          Total size of all cached regular expressions.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_BUFFER_FILE:
          The size of the memory buffer for file operations.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_BUFFER_SWAP:
          The size of the memory buffer for the swap file.

        Memory swapper statistics:

        <what> == DI_NUM_SWAP_BLOCKS:
          Number of blocks in the swap file.

        <what> == DI_NUM_SWAP_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Number of free blocks in the swap file.

          Number of searches for blocks to reuse in the swap file.

          Total number of lookup steps in searches for blocks
          to reuse in the swap file.

          Number of searches for blocks to free in the swap file.

          Total number of lookup steps in searches for blocks
          to free in the swap file.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SWAP_BLOCKS:
          Size of the swap file.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SWAP_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Size of free blocks in the swap file.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SWAP_BLOCKS_REUSED:
          Total reused space in the swap file.

        <what> == DI_SWAP_RECYCLE_PHASE:
          True if the swapper is currently recycling free block.

        Memory allocator statistics:

        <what> == DI_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_NAME:
          The name of the allocator: "sysmalloc", "smalloc", "slaballoc

        <what> == DI_NUM_SYS_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS:
          Number of memory blocks requested from the operating system.

          Number of large allocated blocks.
          (With smalloc: The large allocated blocks include
          the small chunk blocks.)
        <what> == DI_NUM_LARGE_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Number of large free blocks.

        <what> == DI_NUM_LARGE_BLOCKS_WASTE:
          Number of unusable large memory fragments.

          Number of small allocated blocks.

        <what> == DI_NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Number of small free blocks.

        <what> == DI_NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS_WASTE:
          Number of unusably small memory fragments.

        <what> == DI_NUM_SMALL_BLOCK_CHUNKS:
          Number of small chunk/slab blocks.
          (That are large blocks that are used as a
          base for small blocks.)

        <what> == DI_NUM_UNMANAGED_BLOCKS:
          Number of unmanaged (non-GC-able) allocations.

        <what> == DI_NUM_FREE_BLOCKS_AVL_NODES:
          Number of AVL nodes used to manage the large free
          blocks. This value might go away again.

          Total size of memory requested from the operating system.

          Total size of large allocated blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_LARGE_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Total size of large free blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_LARGE_BLOCKS_WASTE:
          Total size of unusable large memory fragments.

          The overhead of every large block allocation.

          Total size of small allocated blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SMALL_BLOCKS_FREE:
          Total size of small free blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SMALL_BLOCKS_WASTE:
          Total size of unusably small memory fragments.

          The overhead of every small block allocation.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_SMALL_BLOCK_CHUNKS:
          Total size of small chunk/slab blocks.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_UNMANAGED_BLOCKS:
          Total size of unmanaged (non-GC-able) allocations.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_MEMORY_USED:
          The amount of memory currently allocated from the allocator.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_MEMORY_UNUSED:
          The amount of memory allocated from the system, but
          not used by the driver.

        <what> == DI_SIZE_MEMORY_OVERHEAD:
          Amount of memory used for the management of the memory.

        <what> == DI_NUM_INCREMENT_SIZE_CALLS:
          Number of requests to increase the size of a memory block.

          Number of successful requests to increase the
          size of a memory block.

          Total size of additionally allocated memory by
          increasing already allocated memory blocks.

          Number of allocations done through the
          clib functions (if supported by the allocator).

          Total size of allocations done through the
          clib functions (if supported by the allocator).

          Total number of requests to defragment all small memory chunks.

          Total number of requests to defragment small memory chunks
          for a desired size.

          Total number of successful requests to defragment small
          memory chunks for a desired size.

          Number of blocks inspected during defragmentations.

          Number of blocks merged during defragmentations.

          Number of defragmented blocks (ie. merge results).

          If the driver was compiled with extended memory statistics,
          they are returned in this entry; if the driver was compiled
          without the statistics, 0 is returned.

          The array contains NUM+2 entries, where NUM is the number
          of distinct small block sizes. Entry [NUM] describes the
          statistics of oversized small blocks (smalloc) resp. for
          all slabs (slaballoc), entry [NUM+1] summarizes all large
          blocks. Each entry is an array of these fields:

               int DIM_ES_MAX_ALLOC:
                       Max number of allocated blocks of this size.

               int DIM_ES_CUR_ALLOC:
                       Current number of allocated blocks of this size.

               int DIM_ES_MAX_FREE:
                       Max number of allocated blocks of this size.

               int DIM_ES_CUR_FREE:
                       Current number of allocated blocks of this size.

               float DIM_ES_AVG_XALLOC:
                       Number of explicit allocation requests per

               float DIM_ES_AVG_XFREE:
                       Number of explicit deallocation requests per

               int DIM_ES_FULL_SLABS:
                       Number of fully used slabs (slaballoc only).

               int DIM_ES_FREE_SLABS:
                       Number of fully free slabs (slaballoc only).

               int DIM_ES_TOTAL_SLABS:
                       Total number of slabs: partially used, fully used
                       and fully free (slaballoc only).

           The allocation/deallocation-per-second statistics do
           not cover internal shuffling of the freelists.

           The slab statistics (entry [NUM], slaballoc only) shows
           in the AVG statistics the frequence with which slabs were
           allocated from resp. returned to the large memory pool.

        Status texts:

        <what> == DI_STATUS_TEXT_MEMORY:
          A printable string containing information about
          the memory usage.

        <what> == DI_STATUS_TEXT_TABLES:
          A printable string containing information about
          the LPC runtime.

        <what> == DI_STATUS_TEXT_SWAP:
          A printable string containing information about
          the swap system.

        <what> == DI_STATUS_TEXT_MALLOC:
          A printable string containing information about
          memory allocations.

          A printable strings with extended memory statistics
          (if the driver was compiled with them).

        Introduced in LDMud 3.5.0.

        configure_driver(E), object_info(E), interactive_info(E),

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